Home»Event»Third Regional Workshop on Supporting the Integration of Gender Considerations into MRV/Transparency Processes in the Western Balkan Countries and Lebanon
Third Regional Workshop on Supporting the Integration of Gender Considerations into MRV/Transparency Processes in the Western Balkan Countries and Lebanon
What has been achieved in the region in enhancing gender considerations into the climate and transparency framework?
Have Gender Action Plans, which GSP supported elaborating, have been implemented? What experiences and lessons learnt can be exchanged? Did countries make use of resources under NCs, BURs and CBIT? What were the limitations/bottle necks/impediments for implementation?
Can the NDC revision process be an opportunity for enhancing this integration?
What has worked in the provision of support from UNDP/GSP and what has not?
Representatives of national institutions in charge of climate change MRV[1] and transparency, as well as from institutions in charge of gender equality from Western Balkans and Lebanon
UNFCCC gender focal points from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia[2] as well as from France and Germany.
Representatives of UNDP and UNFCCC
[1] Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
[2] Those countries have nominated UNFCCC gender focal points as of January 27th 2020