The Global Support Programme (GSP) provides support to non-Annex I Parties in order to prepare National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) that are submitted to the UNFCCC. Further, the GSP will work with key counterparts to provide technical guidance and assistance for the development of the NCs and BURs as well as in the identification of priority areas of support for the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Parties will be provided technical backstopping, tools and targeted guidance, as well as training, to carry out the preparation of these reports. Similarly, countries will be assisted to strengthen national institutional arrangements to support the new reporting requirements and ensure alignment with national development priorities. This support will be linked to regional centers and international experts to provide guidance to countries as and when needs arise. Parties will also be encouraged to exchange data and information, tools and methodologies, lessons learnt and good practices to enhance the quality and utility of their reports.
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) Inventory, for example on uncertainties of data and emissions calculations, calculation sheets and tables to enhance transparency and better understanding of inventory results, quality control and quality assurance procedures (e.g. peer reviews), identification of sources of data and key assumptions used in emission estimates, development/establishment of GHG inventory systems, training in the use of the IPCC Guidelines.
Vulnerability and Adaptation assessments, such as backstopping in the adoption of the most appropriate methodologies, development of climate scenarios and comprehensive analysis of socio-economic context for impacts assessments, clearer descriptions of results from models used in impacts assessments and support on the articulation of an adaptation plan through proposed measures and policies to address climate change impacts.
Mitigation assessment, for example providing guidance on cost- benefit analysis of mitigation options and socio –economic implications, use of models for mitigation analysis, calculations of mitigation potentials.
The Programme started in 2015 and will run until June of 2021.
The Programme is jointly implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
Please feel free to get in touch at any of following emails for any additional information:
GSP Coordinator, UNDP
GSP Mitigation Expert, UNEP