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Virtual Training for tracking the GHG impacts of Nationally Determined Contributions

8:00am - 10:30am
Country: Malaysia
Email: ftaibi@dtu.dk


The training aims to build the capacity of participants on tracking the GHG impacts of Nationally Determined Contributions. The objectives of the training are to;

  • Provide the background information on NDC tracking under Article 4, 6 and 13 of Paris Agreement
  • Share the information needs for NDC tracking; GHG inventories, Description of a Party’s NDC under Article 4, including updates, indicators for tracking progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs
  • Share the potential challenges in NDC tracking process
  • Share the methodology for tracking the NDCs using GACMO
  • Case studies from Ghana, Maldives and Sri Lanka


The participants will acquire better knowledge of the requirements of the Paris Agreement on tracking the GHG impacts of NDCs.

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