Home » Event » Neuvième atelier régional du Cluster Francophone - Les émissions de GES et leurs potentiels d’atténuation pour les secteurs du traitement des déchets solides et de l’AFAT : aspects théoriques et applications via le logiciel du GIEC

Neuvième atelier régional du Cluster Francophone - Les émissions de GES et leurs potentiels d’atténuation pour les secteurs du traitement des déchets solides et de l’AFAT : aspects théoriques et applications via le logiciel du GIEC

Country: Senegal
City: Saly
Email: [email protected]


The Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) organized the 9th Francophone Cluster meeting aimed to explore GHG emissions and their mitigation potentials for the solid waste and AFOLU sectors.

The objectives of this workshop were thus multiple:

  • Strengthening the capacity of inventors in French-speaking countries in complex sectors;
  • Training experts in GHG inventory methods through more practical approaches based on practical exercises and the application of the IPCC 2006 methodology, through the use of the IPCC inventory software that is available free of charge;
  • Exchanging national experiences, particularly on successes and challenges in terms of information system;
  • Training the most of the network of French-speaking experts in Africa through the workshops of the French Cluster and reinforcing the exchange of information and good practices.

During sectoral discussions, data collection and processing phases according to 2006 IPCC Guide Lines and IPCC Software have been addressed. Expert support from FAO and CITEPA strengthened the capacity of participants. The meeting was organized with the technical and financial support of UNDP GSP, GIZ, Government of Belgium, UNFCCC and UNEP ICAT.

UNDP GSP presented the initiative carried out in Francophone countries, namely the  West African South-South Network on MRV and Transparency and the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT).

The Cluster aims to facilitate the exchange of information, expertise and experience, good practice and case studies among the Francophone countries.