Home » Event » Missão Técnica de apoio a ampliação da capacidade nacional para elaboração do inventário de emissões de GEE de Angola no ãmbito da Convenção-Quadro Das Nações Unidas Sobre Mudança Do Clima

Missão Técnica de apoio a ampliação da capacidade nacional para elaboração do inventário de emissões de GEE de Angola no ãmbito da Convenção-Quadro Das Nações Unidas Sobre Mudança Do Clima

Country: Angola
City: Luanda
Email: [email protected]


The Lusophone Cluster of the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement in partnership with the Ministry of Environment of Angola, UNEP and Brazilian experts will hold between 8 to 15 of February 2020,  Angola´s GHG inventory technical mission to enhance the national´s team capacity for reporting under UNFCCC.

The objective of this technical mission is to enhance the national´s teams capacity for reporting GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks through the implementation of two activities in a back-to-back approach:

a) Enhance information exchange on IPCC 2006 Guidelines via hands-on training workshop with for national team;

b) In conjunction with the national team to develop basic MS Excel Spreadsheets to cover all the 5 sectors of Angola´s GHG inventory to support in the elaboration of 2nd National Communication (Energy, Industrial processes, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Change and Waste Management.


The host of the mission is the Ministry of Environment of Angola that is responsible for the elaboration of the 2nd  National Communication that is planned to be handle to the UNFCCC along the first semestre of 2020. Angola is a large lusophone country counting with a territory of above 1.2 million km2 and above 25 million inhabitants. One of the largest GHG emission sources in Angola is the Oil and Gas sector. Therefore, the mission will also dedicate a substantive amount of time to support local experts in assessing with GHG emissions and climate change mitigation challenges of the oil and gas sector.   

The mission will count also count with three Brazilian experts on GHG Inventories, Oil and Gas Industry, Agriculture, Forestry, Remote sensing using Satelitte Images interpretations.
