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East Africa Regional MRV Network 1st Training and Peer Review Workshop

GSP climate mitigation
Country: Tanzania
City: Dar es Salaam
Email: [email protected]


The UN Environment/UNDP Global Support Programme (GSP is supporting more than one hundred and fifty (150) developing countries globally on technical matters relating to national climate change reporting, institutional arrangements and climate change processes in general, under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In order to provide such support in an effective and efficient manner, GSP initiated Regional Measurements, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Networks that brings together between 8 and 15 countries as platforms for GSP to provide the required technical support.


From 23-26th July 2019, GSP will hold the First East Africa Regional MRV Training and Peer Review workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This training/peer review workshop is being organized as a follow-up to the first Dar es Salaam workshop held from 28-30 May 2018, when the Eastern Africa and Southern Africa Regional MRV Network was initiated as part of the South-South Cooperation on climate change capacity building. The objectives of this workshop will include, among other things;


  1. to provide specific training on use of 2006 IPCC GHG Guidelines software
  2. to conduct peer review for national draft reports of selected national reports
  3. share challenges and good lessons on experiences on national MRV institutional arrangements
  4. identify priority areas for capacity building in the East Africa region and develop a plan for addressing the identified gaps in the region
  5. identify specific country capacity needs and develop a schedule of in-country or bilateral training


The workshop will be moderated and facilitated by members from the UNEP/UNDP GSP team, UNFCCC-RCC (Kampala, Uganda) and a few national experts. Participants will be drawn from 11 countries from the region that form the East Africa MRV Network, including Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Burundi and Eritrea.
