The Sub-regional dialogue on Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework is organized by UNDP/UNEP Global Support Program (GSP), in partnership with the UN Framework Convention on Climate on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), ECOWAS Centre for Renewable energy and energy efficiency (ECREEE) and the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV. It will convene government representatives from ECOWAS member countries, regional institutions and international organizations/experts involved in the MRV framework.
As countries work towards undertaking or concluding their National Communications -NCs- and Biennial Update Reports -BURs, national teams have identified a number of challenging technical issues and constraints which are hindering progress. In consultation with countries on ways to effectively address these challenges, the GSP is organizing this workshop that has two key goals:
- Provide technical backstopping to ECOWAS Countries on the MRV framework (such as National Communications -NCs- and Biennial Update Reports -BURs), with a specific focus on energy and Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
- Support countries and regional institutions in facilitating South-South and South-North Cooperation as well as high quality knowledge exchange among participating countries.
The workshop seek to accomplish the following results:
- Participants have a better understanding of the international MRV framework and related provisions in the Paris Agreement, including the integration between National Communications (NCs), Biennial Update Reports (BURs) and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
- Discussions on technical and institutional issues related to the MRV framework, with a specific focus on energy and AFOLU
- Sharing of success experiences that could be replicated by other countries in the region
- Increased awareness on climate support initiatives under implementation in the region and know how to access such support
- Draft terms of reference agreed by participants on a collaborative regional South-South approach to further develop sustainable capacities on NCs and BURs processes, with the support of international entities like GSP, FAO, UNFCCC and ECREEE